#178 - Web3 threads 🧶 of the week

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We're the newsletter that gets the week's best web3 threads back together for one more show.

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@Zeneca explains the latest Chat-GPT update: 3rd party plugins

Come on, man. There are only so many weeks of industry-changing AI news that I can take before I pull a Ted Kazinsky and move to the wilderness to write my anti-AI manifesto.

This time on Unsettling GPT News: plugins.

As @Zeneca covers in today's first thread, these plugins from 3rd-party developers and companies basically make Chat-GPT "live."

So, you can now ask the model to find and organize information, search the web, or interact with other apps on your device.

Check out the thread for plugin examples such as Wolfram, Instacart, Kayak, Zapier, OpenTable, and Expedia – which can help you crunch data, create recipes from your pantry, and book your next flight. 👀

@huntersolaire sums up the effect of Blur airdrop farming on mid-tier bluechips

Blur's token drops continue to split opinions on Crypto Twitter.

There are the free market arguments – which say let degens be degens and floor prices go where they will.

Then, there are the "magic money" responses, which worry that airdrop farming is creating a volume bubble that only exists so long as Blur can sustain excitement around its rewards.

In this thread, @huntersolaire doesn't completely FUD Blur farming, but does point out an interesting effect.

They say that a focus on listing/bidding at the lowest price has caused a huge drop in demand for mid-to-rare NFTs in the biggest collections.

In fact, 60-70% of many collections are now being valued at the floor price. 🤔

@EvanLuthra on 7 future airdrops to hang your hopes on if you missed $ARB

Layer 2 solution Arbitrum airdropped their token to eligible users this week – with 42 million $ARB claimed within the first hour.

If you missed out, don't stress it.

Here, @EvanLuthra shares info on potential upcoming airdrops from ZKSync, Layer Zero, Metamask, Starknet, Vela Exchange, Lens Protocol, and Sui – including eligibility requirements.

On the web3 wire

A NASDAQ "crypto custody service" is coming soon 🤔The stock market exchange operator seeks to become a mainstream option for crypto investing.

Greenpeace reveals anti-BTC sculpture, which is memed by miners ☮️The 11-ft artwork is called "Skull of Satoshi."

You can now sign into off-chain apps using Metamask 🔑The "Sign-in with Ethereum" feature is backed by the EIP-4361 standard.

@paleofuture spotted Trump posting an AI selfie

Despite being let back on Twitter, 2024 republican nominee Donald J. Trump has decided to stick with his own social media platform, Truth Social. (So far.)

And like every other social media addict right now, it seems Trump is on an AI image-posting trip. 

In this thread, @paleofuture points out that Trump posted an AI-created image of himself praying, presumably trying to fool followers into thinking that it's a real photo.

It's not the first time the president has used fake selfies in his promotions – a worrying sign for what might be in store come his next campaign.

Check out the thread for tips on how to spot AI-generated visuals.

@omz_nft lets loose on the lack of artistic appreciation in web3 art collecting

One thing that interests me about the NFT space is how it smashes a bunch of different people together.

You've got established artists, content marketers, and solo builders mixing with traditional art dealers, hobby collectors, and traders who couldn't care less about an NFT's appearance (so long as number go up). ⬆️

The trouble is, all those competing aims and interests can clash, creating a space that's confused about what it actually wants.

Here, @omz_nft voices frustrations from the art side of NFTs, where they say it can feel like artistic value is less important than the latest trend or an artist's social following.

As Omz says: while you can argue the traditional art world is also a popularity contest, the danger of channeling art through social media is that conformity is too-often incentivized.

@AlexIsBuilding on how to make it into Decentra Daily's web3 threads of the week

Thinking about becoming a thread king like the MFers in this email?

@AlexIsBuilding has you covered in, what else, but one of his own threads.

Alex shares how he used thread-posting to gain +20,000 followers in just 6 months. The key? It's all about writing threads that:

  • ride the news cycle

  • are short and sweet (not longer than 12 tweets)

  • spin easily available info into an original "magic moment"

  • have a crystal-clear value offering up top

@sibeleth shares some (actually sensible) tips for making a living through trading NFTs

Sibel, a self-made millionaire thanks to NFTs, takes a clear-headed, common-sense approach to building a valuable portfolio.

Their number 1 trading tip? Never underestimate any profits – take them when they arise.

Also good advice: remember that other people's opinions are not always relevant to your life and your goals.

Just because someone has a cool JPEG and 100K followers, doesn't mean they're saying anything you need to hear. 😊

@JasonYanowitz launches a platform to help you apply for crypto grants

Blockworks founder Yano is building Grantfarm, a tool for securing grants within the crypto industry.

As Yano says in this thread, grants are a beautiful thing – but if you've ever written one, you'll know it's a messy and time-consuming process.

With Grantfarm, the idea is to create a standardized, searchable directory.

Decentra Daily's featured game: The Glimmering

Wanna learn to play 5e DnD, plus be part of the next kick-ass blue chip project? ⚔️

GRIPNR is the web3 company behind Tabletop RPG, The Glimmering. On March 30th, they’re doing something we’ve never seen done before – launching a Genesis NFT Collection and game platform on the same day.

Holders of GRIPNR's Genesis Collection Heroes will receive:

  • A lifetime subscription to the On-chain Play Platform

  • Early access to all future games built on the GRIPNR protocol

  • Access to all of GRIPNR’s published materials (deep delves, heroes guide, game modules, etc.)

  • Added value and rarity to NFTs through gameplay

PLUS preferred access to mint The Glimmering Mutant Apes, an exclusive collection in partnership with J1mmy.eth, launching this summer.

It’s time to BE LEGENDARY. 🦾 Load up on MATIC, head to the GRIPNR Discord, and get on their allow list before March 30th.

@waleswoosh asks, what exactly do we mean by "holder"?

Investor? Shareholder? Customer?

Being a holder kinda means all of these things – but none fully describe what it's like to hold an NFT or be part of an NFT community.

How you think about "holders" says a lot about your expectations from owning NFTs, as well as your (and a project's) responsibilities.

In this thread, Wale.Swooth argues that holders are in fact stakeholders, people whose goals align with the NFT project they've bought into.

And finally, @BEASTMODE makes an uncanny GPT-Steve Jobs voice messenger

Rounding off this week, here's another thread that's part impressive tech demo, and part "what could possibly go wrong..."

John Meyer (*not John Mayer) trained GPT on Steve Jobs' voice, loaded a voice simulator, and hooked both up to Facebook Messenger for two-way voice note conversations.

This takes the idea that Jobs lives on through the iPhone to a whole new level...

 I'll see you in the next Decentra Daily 👋

Meme of the day

I knew it was all too good to be true.

What we're reading this week

business x blockchainweb3 topics & the companies evolving them
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