#168 - Web3 threads 🧢 of the week

GM daily-ers!

GM and welcome to Decentra Daily.

We're the newsletter that brings you web3 threads in bed every weekend.

Enjoy, bb!

** We'll be dropping more info about our Genesis Media Pass NFT in the next weeks.

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@BirdmannHarvey with some background on the biggest NFT story of the week

First up, here's the most comprehensive thread we could find on the week's biggest NFT story –

a collection that blew up based on claims that Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, was an official part of the team.

In this thread, @BirdmannHarvey addresses questions about Vitalik's involvement in the Quadratic Funding Collection and the credibility of the team behind it.

Our take? Sure, Vitalik is involved. But it's a stretch to call him a "creator" of the project.


@hmalviya9 lists ten AI artists that you'd be a fool to fade

It's the fastest-growing meta in digital art, with the potential to break into the mainstream.

Here, @hmalviya9 shares a selection of some of the most well-known artists and platforms from the world of AI art.

Included are Claire Silver and Refik Anadol, two of the most discussed artists right now.

@hmalviya9 highlights Braindrops and Mirage Gallery as leading places to find AI art NFT drops.

@joe050 explains post-photography, an emerging AI art genre

On the subject of AI art, here's a thread I wrote on post-photography – the term for artworks that aren't photographs but feel photographic.

Roope Rainisto's breakout collection, Life in West America, recently brought the genre to people's awareness, with its post-photographic Americana vibe.

On the web3 wire

GPT4 is coming ...next week? πŸ€–Microsoft's CTO announced GPT-4 could be released next week, and will come with "video capabilities."

Struggling Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators 🏦Another big bank, SVB, reported massive shortfalls and wants a buyer.

Price or value – what's a more important measure for Bitcoin? πŸ€”Isaiah Douglass says, at the end of the day, it's all about price.

@punk6529 posts the billboard 100 of NFT metas

@punk6529 boils down the bleeding edge of NFT developments into a list of 50 or so projects and trends that have helped define the space – and keep it evolving.

Did he miss any?

In other punk6529 content, @6529Gradientz shares a thread on a long discord session with The Memes founder.

@VZennl explains why a focus on gaming could make Avalanche a huge blockchain player

In this thread, @VZennl presents Avalanche (AVAX) as the complete blockchain – especially if you're a web3 game developer.

Avalanche added to its growing list of gaming partners this week. They announced that TSM, one of the biggest names in eSports, is building its web3 gaming app on their blockchain.

eSports is an industry with little tolerance for lags, glitches, and other tech issues, so the partnership is a big vote of confidence for Avalanche.

@DeFiMinty on how to spot alpha before the Twitter influencers

You know what they say – if you're reading about it on Crypto Twitter, you're already late.

Don't be some teenage trader's exit liquidity by buying into an NFT project after it's already blown up. (Easier said than done, right?)

Never fear. @DeFiMinty is here to help with a compilation of 23 threads that teach you how to spot your own alpha.

Including how to use research tools like Tweetdeck, DefiLlama, Dune, and Twitter Lists – as well as tips on tracking the smart money wallets. πŸ‘€

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@0xRaiden is back with another Week in Web3 Gaming summary

@0xRaiden's updates keep getting more detailed and alpha-filled. πŸ™

This week, more on the TSM x Avalanche deal, the implications of Ethereum's new ERC-4337 smart wallet features, and Magic Eden's announcement of Mint Madness (free gaming mints).

Plus, reviews of two web3 games – Reign of Terror and Bitmates.

@Loopifyyy shares Supercell CEO's yearly advice for startups

Oh no, it's not a thread! It's one of those new extra-long Tweets.

...is this the end of Web3 Threads of the Week? 😰

Every year, Ilkka Paananen, the CEO of mobile gaming company Supercell, writes an article with some advice for burgeoning startups.

@Loopifyyy summarizes the article here. So what's Paananen's advice?

  • Build a small, experienced team

  • Dev intuition > data

  • Take the biggest risks

@web3bandit describes three different kinds of decentralization

When you're next reading a blockchain whitepaper, look out for these different manifestations of decentralization, explained in this thread by @web3bandit.

  • Architectural decentralization - consensual nodes operating independently

  • Political decentralization - the distribution of power to change the network

  • Logical decentralization - the distributed functioning of the network

And finally, @bensimpsonau chooses the coins to beat all coins

Dang, another long-format tweet instead of a thread. We're in trouble...

@bensimpsonau rounds off our email for this weekend with a list of cryptocurrencies to watch in 2023 – and the reasoning behind his bullishness.

Top picks? Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Chainlink, THORChain, Maple Finance, Illuvium, Star Atlas, and Arbitrum.

I'll see you in the next Decentra Daily πŸ‘‹

Meme of the day


What we're reading this week

business x blockchainweb3 topics & the companies evolving them
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